Tuesday, May 21, 2013

AxiaMobile - Mobile Designed Template

AxiaMobile - Mobile Designed Template - Mobile Site Templates

AxiaMobile in Wordpress now available!


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Theme Support on http://goo.gl/pZiJs

AxiaMobile is HTML5 mobile template, highly optimized for mobile (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry etc.)

Redirect script:

<script type=”text/javascript”> <!— if (screen.width <= 699) { document.location = “http://YOURDOMAIN/mobile/”; } //—> </script>

=== What Are You Buying? ===

  • HTML5 Version of AxiaMobile

  • 100 Pixel perfect icons

  • Working PHP contact form

  • Three amazing color schemes

=== Features of AxiaMobile ===

  • Compatible with all major mobile platforms like iOS, Android, Blackberry, Palm WebOS, Nokia/Symbian, Windows Phone 7, MeeGo, Opera Mobile/Mini, Firefox Mobile, Kindle, Nook, and all modern browsers with graded levels of support.
  • Lightweight size and minimal image dependencies for speed.

  • HTML5 Markup-driven configuration of pages and behavior for fast development and minimal
    required scripting.

  • Touch and mouse event support streamline the process of supporting touch, mouse, and cursor focus-based user input methods with a simple API.

  • Full working PHP contact form easy to set-up and provides you connection with your customers.

  • Three amazing color schemes easy to choose one, simply replace your stylesheet file to one of
    three theme CSS files.

  • 100 Pixel perfect icons for every oportunity.

  • Toggling plugin easy to customize, toggles every content.

  • Tabling plugin create tables in one minute.

  • FlexSlider on wellcome page, this feature allows you to show the best from your work in 90% of
    mobile screen.

  • PhotoSwipe gallery plugin very nice plugin, it works with all major mobile, tablet and PC browsers.

  • Supports touch navigation and it’s also easy to use.

  • 20+ Colors of elements apply one of these amazing color for your element by attaching color class on it.

=== Working Contact Form ===

Package includes working PHP contact form

=== Compatibility ===

AxiaMobile HTML5 template provides full compatibility with all major mobile browsers.

=== Choose Your Favorit Color Scheme===

Template includes three color schemes, see those at live preview.

=== From Our Workshops ===

=== Changelog ===

Version 1.0 – Feb.18th ‘12

  • Initial release

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