Sunday, May 19, 2013

InMobile - Mobile and Tablet Responsive Template

InMobile - Mobile and Tablet Responsive Template - Mobile Site Templates

InMobile – Yes it really comes with Wordpress version only for 8$!

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Theme Support on

InMobile is HTML5 responsive template, highly optimized for mobile and tablet usage.

Redirect script:

<script type=”text/javascript”> <!— if (screen.width <= 699) { document.location = “http://YOURDOMAIN/mobile/”; } //—> </script>

=== What Are You Buying? ===

  • HTML5 Version of InMobile

  • Wordpress Version of InMobile

  • Working contact form

  • 24/7 Support on email or forum

  • Three Color Schemes

=== InMobile on iPhone Browser ===

Youtube Video link

=== Working Contact Form ===

Package includes working PHP contact form

=== Compatibility ===

Inmobile HTML5 template provides 99% compatibility with mobile and tablet browsers.

=== InMobile Wordpress 1.0 Beta ===

InMoblie Wordpress is really regular Wordpress theme not a plugin or some add-on.
Still, you can use this template for your every dayly usage. There’s is no other difference (like mobility, usage etc.) between this and other WP mobile templates.
The very one dissadvatage is, that it has not as much options.

Cause it’s beta there may be some disfunctions or bugs, please feel free to report them.

=== Choose Your Favorite ===

If you don’t prefer dark blue, you could choose light blue version.
If you don’t like this either there’s also grey variant of template.

=== Changelog ===

Version 1.1c – Nov.2th ‘12

  • Updated PHP contact form

Version 1.1w – Feb.18th ‘12

  • Added Wordpress Version

Version 1.1 – Jan.30th ‘12

  • Included working PHP contact form

  • Inline code improvements

Version 1.0 – Jan.19th ‘12

  • Initial release

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