Saturday, June 8, 2013

Eyecandy Retina-Ready Mobile Template

Eyecandy Retina-Ready Mobile Template - Mobile Site Templates

[New!] Request a quote for assistance to build a PhoneGap application with this template. Contact me via the author contact form.

Touch-Optimized: Responsive Mobile Template


  • Watch the website change in different devices! Try the live preview, resize your window and see how the website changes based on window size! (it’s fun, really.)
  • Ready for business and corporate websites or personal websites!

  • Very easily skin-able: change wallpaper, colors, icons and change the design completely to your taste/brand!

  • Smooth and fast page loading – visitors see your website so quickly!


  • Fully Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design

  • Google Web Fonts

  • Page Templates:

    • Splash Screen

    • Home

    • HTML Elements + many sub pages explaining them

    • Portfolio

    • Blog + Blog Details

    • Contact

  • Flexible Main Menu Structure

  • Create as many more pages as you like, all styles re-usable

  • Add to Home Bubble

  • 404 Page

  • All images are compressed with PunyPNG to increase load/time performance

  • Working Ajax/PHP Contact form

  • Photoswipe Gallery

  • iPhone Home Bubble Icon

  • Perfect Landscape & Portrait Mode Support

  • Supported Most Devices: iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, Android (HTC, Samsung, etc. with all device width/height supported), etc.

  • Many of you asked me if this template is PhoneGap compatible – Yes it is 100% PhoneGap and Appcelerator ready – You can create stunning native applications using PhoneGap and Appcelerator with this template.

    The icons on the home page provide for mini-applications or mini-modules in your main application and you can display any mobile compatible web-apps, rss feeds or anything you like – the possibilities are endless.

    The template is also fit for creating corporate websites or personal portfolios.


  • Well Documented
  • Easy to use HTML Documentation Page
  • Commented HTML Pages
  • Commented Code

Google Web Fonts

  • Source Sans Pro

Updates (22nd September 2012)
Major stabiity and cross-device upgrades based on Buyers' feedback (thank you for your valuable feedback)

Updates (17th March 2013).
Fixed issue with forms where visitor cannot click on the input fields.

I would appreciate your suggestions to improve this template. If you think there is something that this theme really needs, or something is incorrect or buggy, please leave a comment and I’ll ensure fastest action!
I’m going to do my best to help you.

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