Monday, June 24, 2013

Ultimate - Your Ultimate Mobile Solutions

Ultimate - Your Ultimate Mobile Solutions - Mobile Site Templates


  • Working Ajax contact form with inline validation
  • Heavily Customized Photoswipe Gallery and flexslider
  • Many Gallery page templates
  • Touch ready buttons and menus
  • iPhone Apps friendly Interface
  • Ready for building custom webApps (Loading splash screens, Custom Icons)
  • Share dialogs that just works
  • A lot of CSS 3D HW accelerated animations to achive better user experience.
  • Image sprites for better performance
  • A lot of under the hood optimalization for the best speed
  • Optional Minimized javascript nad CSS files (if you are happy with the template as it is)
  • 4 different post formats
  • Retina display ready!
  • SASS and config.rb included for more advance users
  • Support for every mobile resolution/platform
  • iPhone webapp
  • PSD source for Buttons, Patterns, Dialogs, Logos included
  • Liquid Layout
  • Valid Code
  • And much, much more that I forgot just look at the preview and you will see for yourself.

QR code



 = Update - 31.5.2013 V1.3.3 = - Fixed on history back "white screen" error - Fixed Menu blinking after loading new page (menu item) = Update - 19.2.2013 V1.3.2 = - Fixed Site blinking on loading animations (updated script.js) = Update - 19.2.2013 V1.3.1 = - Fixed Hover states on desktop = Update - 21.1.2013 V1.3 = - Fixed Chrome and Firefox menu bug = Update - 1.1.2013 V1.2.2 = - Fixed Share dialog, broken from last update (thanks biccio for notifying me ;)) = Update - 28.11.2012 V1.2.1 = - Fixed Photoswipe back button bug = Update - 20.11.2012 V1.2 = - Few fixes - CSS Responsive Videos - Added support for WP7, 7.5, 8, IE8, IE9, IE10 = Update - 2.11.2012 V1.1 = - Added loading animations - Fixed few bugs - Reinvented list menu - Few more features = Update - 1.11.2012 = - Initial Relese! 

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