Saturday, June 8, 2013

Retro Metro | SMV Creations

Retro Metro | SMV Creations - Mobile Site Templates



*Kindly rate this template if you like it  * 

(IMP) Update available! – scroll down to read

Retro Metro | SMV Creations | Retina Ready! V1.4


Retro Metro is built with a brand name SMV Creations.

Retro Metro follows strict Metro UI Guidelines, following the design principles of classic Swiss graphic design.

Under this design approach, the content and typography is given more attention as opposed to UI chrome.

I have covered, in this template, more than majority of company website pages:

Home Page

About Page

Products & Services Page

Blog and Blog detail Page

Portfolio Gallery Page – With Projects & Clients listing & Project Detail and Client Detail

Photo Gallery

Video Gallery – Various formatting of videos

Career page with Apply & Recommend links

Contact Page with Contact form and Google maps

HTML Package + PHP Package + Layered PSD file including all pages’ design included!

The fonts typography used is that of open web standards – google web fonts.

This template is compatible across all mobile and tablet devices and also on regular desktop interfaces since it is on complete liquid layout with aesthetics in mind.

As always, Valid html5!


  • Metro design language – built on Swiss Graphic design

  • International Typographic Style

  • Huge and aesthetic touch-optimized and eye-friendly links, buttons and content

  • Omnipresent Menu button

  • Fully ajax-ed, easily pluggable as a PhoneGap / Titanium App

  • W3 valid HTML5 Liquid | partly responsive Layout

  • All Company pages: About | Services/Products | Portfolio Gallery | Videos | Photos | Career | Blog | Contact | [Add more pages]

  • Web Compatible standard typography

  • Working AJAX Contact form with Validation and Email Submission

  • Mobile detection code (JavaScript & PHP)

  • Google Maps – Javascript API

  • Social presence links

  • Unlimited theming possibilites – 10 packed!

Page Structure

  • Home

  • About

  • Services

  • Blog

  • Image Gallery

  • Projects & Clients Portfolio

  • Video Gallery

  • Typography Elements and Usage

  • Careers

  • Contact

Google Web Fonts

  • Source Sans Pro


  • Well Documented

  • Easy to use HTML Documentation Page

  • Commented HTML Pages

  • Commented CSS Pages

  • Commented JS Pages


Updated V1.1

Home Screen: More responsive on landscape, now supporting even the smallest resolution.

Stylesheet: Renamed from .less to .css for avoiding issues in IIS as it considers .less as an unauthorized extension.

Updated V1.2

Added 2 more packages (PHP & HTML) with Normal CSS.

These 2 packages do not have any LESS style files, as some were having difficulty.

Now your phonegap applications will open directly in your eclipse browsers on ‘file’ protocol (Double click files).

Updated V1.3

Fixed Scrolling of Home page for Windows Devices (7, 7.5, 8 ).

Updated V1.4

Twitter URL stopped working for feeds, updated that.

Please download the code again to find the new url.

I hope you like the template, and if there are any suggestions or queries, please feel free to write to me in the comments.

I would love to help, and I sincerely hope this is useful for you.

Please rate the template if you like it



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